Hehe, I haven't listened to any of your stuff in a while and I think that this is quite nice :)
I felt that the vocals just stuck out from the track a bit too much and could have been mixed a bit better but other than that I see little to no problems with this at all.
Your songs do still feel like your trying to copy waterflame a bit too much though, I get that he is one of your main influences but he's one of mine as well yet my songs don't resemble his nearly as much as yours do. Whilst trying to stylize your music after others is a great way to learn it will only take you so far before you have to start developing a style of your own.
One thing I am curious about now though is how you actually make your tracks and how you use your DAW. Id definitely be interested in a collab at some point in time because even though most of your stuff sounds like Waterflame, I do feel like you know how to put a song together pretty well